ブレスド バイ・ザ・シー (オリエンタルホテル 沖縄リゾート&スパ)Blessed By The Sea (ORIENTAL HOTEL OKINAWA RESORT&SPA)

ブレスド バイ・ザ・シー (オリエンタルホテル 沖縄リゾート&スパ)



Panorama Ocean View Chapel


Blessed By The Sea provides an extraordinary view which embraces the blues of the coral sea and the greens of Okinawa’s lush nature. A full-service planning menu includes the ceremony, a reception, and taking care of all the details. The wedding salon is located on the same floor as the chapel for the convenience of all the guests.




直営限定!【基本挙式料 50% OFF】キャンペーン開催🐬
詳細はページ下 “Campaign Plan” をご覧ください。



The extraordinary view from the hillside gives a feeling of floating above the brilliant ocean.
You can experience even more dreamy moments if your ceremony is at sunset time.
Your memorable wedding will be followed by a flower shower of congratulations from your guests.



An important benefit is being able to choose from 4 different reception party styles.
The traditional one is a private party room close to the chapel.
It is a convenient and pleasant place surrounded by Okinawan greenery and an ocean view.
It provides a quiet and intimate space.
The chef's creativity uses the best of Okinawan ingredients for your enjoyment.

Lanai Party


The second option is a space created for your party on the outdoor lanai area where you will enjoy the fresh breezes of Okinawa.
While gazing at the endless sky and the clear blue ocean, your appetite will be stimulated by the flavors of Okinawa. It is an experience you won't find anywhere else.

Night Pool Side Party


The third option is a Pool Side Party.
The unique pool area is surrounded by Okinawan greenery. Here you can experience the outstanding hospitality and thoughtful service of the hotel staff.
This outdoor party creates an unforgettable tropical feeling.

Royal Suite Sky Banquet

4つ目は、広い空間と、上質なくつろぎ、ラグジュアリー感漂うスイートルームでのパーティ、スカイバンケット at ROYAL SUITEです。ホテル最上階の、建物の中心部分に位置するロイヤルスイートでは、お家でくつろいでいるかのようなアットホームで贅沢なパーティを楽しむことができます。貸切空間は、ゲストの皆様にも喜んでいただけること間違いなしです。

The last option is a reception produced at the Royal Suite, a luxurious setting on the top floor of the hotel.
The panorama view is unprecedented, and the intimate space will be enjoyed by both you and your guests.
The feeling of being at home and relaxing with your guests overlaps with the feeling of an extravagant party.

Photo Shoot


The charm of your ceremony will be preserved in a beautiful photo session on the beach in front of the hotel. Your memories, inspired by the beauty of Okinawa, will last forever.



The hotel is located in Nago, the northern area of Okinawa, sitting on a hillside with a beautiful view of the East China Sea.
You can choose between a quiet stay in a luxurious hotel, participating in close by marine activities, or venturing out further to explore beautiful Okinawa.
It is a perfect location for exploring sites such as Churaumi Aquarium and Kouri Island.



The hotel provides you with a delightful stay and hospitality service they are proud of.
All of the guest rooms have an ocean view.
They are spacious and feature an open-air balcony.
The spectacular location together with the excellent service will guarantee that your resort wedding will be the wedding of your dreams.

2025 Campaign Plan

- 2025年 基本挙式料50% OFF Plan  -

基本挙式料50%OFFの¥323,400 にてお得に叶う!

平日 ¥323,400 (通常¥394,900 )
土日祝 ¥350,900 (通常¥449,900 )

1. 基本挙式 ¥143,000(平日) ,¥198,000(平日)
2. ドレス ¥88,000
3. タキシード ¥22,000
4. 新婦様ヘア & メイク+挙式同行 ¥44,000
5. ライトアルバム (20P/30C/50D) ¥97,900

1. チャペル挙式一式(牧師 /オルガニスト/シンガー)/2. 結婚証明書 ※法的な効力はありません/3. 式次第/4. レンタルリングピロー/5. 基本生花ブーケ & ブートニア/6.チャペル装花(造花)/7. 家族セレモニー/8. 介添人/9. 新郎新婦控え室 /10. ホテル内撮影 ※アルバム商品をお申し込みの方



​※TAKAMI BRIDALや衣裳提携店以外の衣裳持込不可
ブレスド バイ・ザ・シー (オリエンタルホテル 沖縄リゾート&スパ)

Blessed By The Sea (ORIENTAL HOTEL OKINAWA RESORT&SPA) / ブレスド バイ・ザ・シー (オリエンタルホテル 沖縄リゾート&スパ)

収容人数 46名
所在地 沖縄県名護市喜瀬1490-1
アクセス 那覇空港より沖縄自動車道をご利用で約75分

Available to accommodate up to 46 people
Address: 1490-1, Kise, Nago-City, Okinawa
Access: About 75 minutes drive via Okinawa Expressway from Naha Airport. <Shuttle Bus services are also available from Naha Airport.>